miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

History of Stem Cell Research

Original Article: Explore Stem Cells 
Stem cells have an interesting history that has been somewhat tainted with debate and controversy. In the mid 1800s it was discovered that cells were basically the building blocks of life and that some cells had the ability to produce other cells.
Attempts were made to fertilise mammalian eggs outside of the human body and in the early 1900s, it was discovered that some cells had the ability to generate blood cells.
In 1968, the first bone marrow transplant was performed to successfully treat two siblings with severe combined immunodeficiency. Other key events in stem cell research include:20px break
  • 1978: Stem cells were discovered in human cord blood
  • 1981: First in vitro stem cell line developed from mice
  • 1988: Embryonic stem cell lines created from a hamster
  • 1995: First embryonic stem cell line derived from a primate
  • 1997: Cloned lamb from stem cells
  • 1997: Leukaemia origin found as haematopoietic stem cell, indicating possible proof of cancer stem cells
In 1998, Thompson, from the University of Wisconsin, isolated cells from the inner cell mass of early embryos and developed the first embryonic stem cell lines. During that exact same year, Gearhart, from Johns Hopkins University, derived germ cells from cells in foetal gonad tissue; pluripotent stem cell lines were developed from both sources. Then, in 1999 and 2000, scientists discovered that manipulating adult mouse tissues could produce different cell types. This meant that cells from bone marrow could produce nerve or liver cells and cells in the brain could also yield other cell types. These discoveries were exciting for the field of stem cell research, with the promise of greater scientific control over stem cell differentiation and proliferation. 

Bogus Findings

The unfortunate reality of this enormous breadth of information, however, is that scientists may fabricate studies and findings. This was the case in 2004 to 2005, when Hwang Woo-Suk, a Korean researcher, claimed to have produced human embryonic stem cell lines from unfertilised human eggs. The lines were eventually shown to be completely false and therefore fabricated, but the huge international scandal left the public doubtful and mistrusting of the scientific community.
More recently, in 2005, scientists at Kingston University in England were purported to have found another category of stem cells. These were named cord blood embryonic-like stem cells, which originate in umbilical cord blood. It is suggested that these stem cells have the ability to differentiate into more cell types than adult stem cells, opening up greater possibilities for cell-based therapies. Then, in early 2007, researchers led by Dr. Anthony Atala claimed that a new type of stem cell had been isolated in amniotic fluid. This finding is particularly important because these stem cells could prove to be a viable alternative to the controversial use of embryonic stem cells.
Over the last few years, national policies and debate amongst the public as well as religious groups, government officials and scientists have led to various laws and procedures regarding stem cell harvesting, development and treatment for research or disease purposes. The goals of such policies are to safeguard the public from unethical stem cell research and use while still supporting new advancements in the field. 


Stem cell research has now progressed dramatically and there are countless research studies published each year in scientific journals. Adult stem cells are already being used to treat many conditions such as heart disease and leukaemia. Researchers still have a long way to go before they completely control the regulation of stem cells. The potential is overwhelmingly positive and with continued support and research, scientists will ideally be able to harness the full power of stem cells to treat diseases that you or a loved one may suffer from one day.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Secrets of ailments unlocked by stem cells from skin samples

Original article: The New Zeland Herald

By Robin McKie

The news that Edinburgh scientists had created the world's first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, at the university's Roslin Institute made headlines around the world 16 years ago.
Her birth raised hopes of the creation of a new generation of medicines - with a host of these breakthroughs occurring at laboratories in the university over the next decade.
And now one of the most spectacular has taken place at Edinburgh's Centre for Regenerative Medicine, where scientists have continued to develop the technology used to make Dolly. In a series of experiments, they have created brain tissue from patients suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar depression and other mental illnesses.
The work offers spectacular rewards for doctors. From a scrap of skin taken from a patient, they can make neurones genetically identical to those in that person's brain. These brain cells, grown in the laboratory, can then be studied to reveal the neurological secrets of their condition.

"A patient's neurones can tell us a great deal about the psychological conditions that affect them, but you cannot stick a needle in someone's brain and take out its cells," said Professor Charles ffrench-Constant, the centre's director.
"However, we have found a way round that. We can take a skin sample, make stem cells from it and then direct these stem cells to grow into brain cells. Essentially, we are turning a person's skin cells into brain. "We are making cells that were previously inaccessible. And we could do that in future for the liver, the heart and other organs on which it is very difficult to carry out biopsies."
The scientists are concentrating on a range of neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and motor neurone disease. In addition, work is being done on schizophrenia and bipolar depression, two debilitating ailments that are triggered by malfunctions in brain activity.
This latter project is directed by Professor Andrew McIntosh of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, who is working in collaboration with the regenerative medicine centre. "We are making different types of brain cells out of skin samples from people with schizophrenia and bipolar depression," he said. "Once we have assembled these, we look at standard psychological medicines, such as lithium, to see how they affect these cells in the laboratory. After that, we can start to screen new medicines. Our lines of brain cells would become testing platforms for new drugs. We should be able to start that work in a couple of years."
In the past, scientists have studied brain tissue from people with conditions such as schizophrenia, but could only do so after an autopsy.
"It is very difficult to get primary tissue to study until after a patient has died," added McIntosh.
"Even then, that tissue is affected by whatever killed them and by the impact of the medication they had been taking for their condition, possibly for several decades. So having access to living brain cells is a significant development for the creation of drugs for these conditions."
In addition, ffrench-Constant is planning experiments to create brain cells from patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, a disease that occurs when a person's immune system turns on his or her own nerve cells and starts destroying the myelin sheaths that protect the fibres that it uses to communicate with other nerve cells. The condition induces severe debilitation in many cases.
"The problem with MS is that we cannot predict how patients will progress," said ffrench-Constant. "In some, it progresses rapidly. In others, the damage to the myelin is repaired and they can live quite happily for many years. If we can find out the roots of the difference, we may be able to help patients."
The brain cells that make myelin and wrap it around the fibres of nerve cells are known as oligodendrocytes. "We will take skin samples from MS patients whose condition has progressed quickly and others in whom it is not changing very much.
"Then we will make oligodendrocytes from those samples and see if there is an intrinsic difference between the two sets of patients. In other words, we will see if there is an underlying difference in people's myelin-making cells that explains, when they get MS, why some manage to repair damage to their brain cells and others do not."
Once that mechanism is revealed, the route to developing a new generation of MS drugs could be opened up, he added. "It is only a hypothesis, but it is a very attractive one," said ffrench-Constant.
The technology involved in this work is a direct offshoot from the science involved in making Dolly the sheep. Dolly showed that adult cells in animals were more flexible than previously thought.

By Robin McKie

Original article: The New Zeland Herald

martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease research

In vitro Alzheimer’s cells for research

Original article : News Medical

Researchers are closer to understanding Alzheimer’s disease using a new stem cell technique. They have successfully replicated Alzheimer’s disease neurons with stem cells for the first time.

Researchers out of UC San Diego School of Medicine created in vitro models of genetic and sporadic forms of Alzheimer’s disease, using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from patients who suffered from the neurodegenerative disorder. The neurons were purified, meaning they were separated from other types of cells, to reduce variability in the experiment. To create the neurons, the researchers extracted fibroblasts—cells from the skin—of two patients with familial Alzheimer’s, two patients with sporadic Alzheimer’s and two people with no known neurological problems. The researchers then reprogrammed the fibroblasts into stem cells, which then differentiated into working neurons.

“Creating highly purified and functional human Alzheimer's neurons in a dish – this has never been done before,” said senior study author Dr. Lawrence Goldstein, distinguished professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and director of the UC San Diego Stem Cell Program, in a press release.

The iPSC-derived neurons from Alzheimer’s patients exhibited normal cell activity, formed functional synaptic contacts and – most importantly – displayed indicators of Alzheimer’s disease, such as elevated production of beta-amyloid proteins and abnormal activation of the protein kinase GSK-3. Goldstein added the models aren’t “perfect” – they’re merely the first step. However, the research proves creating isolated Alzheimer’s neurons can be done and provides a blueprint for how to do so.

“Additional features of the model need to be developed,” Goldstein told FoxNews.com. “At this point, it’s purified neurons. So now, knowing what the purified neurons do, we want to add back defined qualities of other cells – like astrocytes. Astrocytes are normally a very important part of how neurons function, and they also play a role in resistance or susceptibility to disease.” “We don’t know what that role is yet, but we can start to piece that back together by mixing the astrocytes back in with the neurons,” he added.

The neurons may prove to be a crucial tool for studying the causes of Alzheimer’s, as well as developing and testing drugs to treat the disease. “We're dealing with the human brain. You can't just do a biopsy on living patients,” Goldstein explained. “Instead, researchers have had to work around, mimicking some aspects of the disease in non-neuronal human cells or using limited animal models. Neither approach is really satisfactory.” Now with this new technique with in vitro neurons, the researchers more deeply investigate the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and observe the initial processes that lead to the destruction of brain cells.

Currently, dementia research is mostly centered around studies of post-mortem tissues. “The way to think about it is, if you want to understand what goes wrong early – if you only get post-mortem tissue, a lot of the damage is already done,” Goldstein said. “Suppose you work for the NTSB and you have to study a plane crash,” he explained. “You can get a lot of information about the crash from the wreckage, but the black box tells you what went wrong early. That’s incredibly important information for preventing crashes. We’re looking for the black box of Alzheimer’s.”

He added that “we show that one of the early changes in Alzheimer's neurons thought to be an initiating event in the course of the disease turns out not to be that significant… What we observed is, it was not the beta-amyloid fragments causing biochemical abnormalities, but it was a pre-cursor to that, called beta-CTS.”

According to Goldstein, the next step for using this research would be to begin testing drugs and scaling up the technology to test more patients. “From the standpoint of drug development, here’s the core problem: we don’t have any drugs so we don’t exactly know what it’s going to take to develop them,” Goldstein said, “We think by having true human neurons to work with we can increase the speed and likelihood of finding effective drugs.”

Goldstein said continuing to research Alzheimer’s disease is critical in order to reduce the economical and emotional toll the disease takes on the nation. “People make this interesting mistake where they say it’s just a disease of the elderly – and who cares?” Goldstein said. “The truth is, a 70 year-old person who doesn’t have the disease can be very productive economically and socially, while those who have the disease can be a drain in terms of cost of care. Projections are that the cost of Alzheimer’s will go into the trillions. It’s a real substantial impact.”

The study was published Wednesday in the online version of the journal Nature.

In another development a team of researchers led by Domenico Pratico, professor of pharmacology and microbiology and immunology at Temple, discovered the presence of the protein, called 12/15-Lipoxygenase, in the brain three years ago.

“We found this protein to be very active in the brains of people who have Alzheimer's disease,” said Pratico. “But three years ago, we didn't know the role it played in the development of the disease.”

After two years of further study the Temple researchers have found that the protein is at the top of a pathway and controls a biochemical chain reaction that begins the development of Alzheimer's. They have published their findings in the journal Annals of Neurology.

Pratico explained that their research has shown that 12/15-Lipoxygenase controls Beta secretase (BACE-1), an enzyme that is key to the development of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's patients. “For reasons we don't yet know, in some people, 12/15-Lipoxygenase starts to work too much…By working too much, it sends the wrong message to the Beta secretase, which in turn starts to produce more amyloid Beta. This initially results in cognitive impairment, memory impairment and, later, an increase of amyloid plaque.”

BACE-1 has long been a biological target for researchers seeking to create a drug against Alzheimer's disease, said Pratico. But because little has been known about how it functions, they have been unsuccessful developing a molecule that could reach the brain and block it. “We now know much better how Beta secretase works because we have found that the 12/15-Lipoxygenase protein is a controller of BACE functions…You don't need to target the Beta secretase directly because the 12/15-Lipoxygenase is really the system in the brain that tells BACE to work more or work less.”

Pratico said that they have validated 12/15-Lipoxygenase as a target for a potential Alzheimer drug or therapy. “By modulating BACE levels and activity through controlling the 12/15-Lipoxygenase, we can potentially improve the cognitive part of the phenotype of the disease, and prevent the accumulation of amyloid beta inside the neurons, which will eventually translate into less of those plaques…This is a totally new mechanism for controlling BACE.”

Pratico said his group has looked at an experimental compound that blocks 12/15-Lipoxygenase function as a potential therapy to inhibit BACE function in the brain. In their lab, using animal models, they saw the drug's ability to restore some cognitive function, as well as improve learning and memory ability. “There is an opportunity here to study this molecule and develop an even stronger molecule to target 12/15-Lipoxygenase function in the brain,” he said.

Original article : News Medical

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Células madre para el antienvejecimiento

La medicina Regenerativa o antienvejecimiento se encuentra al frente de las nuevas tendencias en la medicina preventiva, y se espera que con el paso del tiempo se vuelva la norma en el desarrollo de los sistemas de salud del siglo 21. Este enfoque médico  se centra en una detección muy temprana, prevención y enlentecimiento de muchas enfermedades que se desarrollan con la edad como lo son, diabetes mellitus, infartos cerebrales, enfermedades cardíacas, artritis, degeneración macular, varios tipos de cáncer, alzheimer y muchas otras enfermedades degenerativas.
Con las medidas preventivas apropiadas, se sabe que la mayoría de estas enfermedades asociadas a la edad pueden ser prevenidas, retrasadas y en algunos casos cuando son de muy reciente diagnóstico, revertidas. Retrasando el proceso de envejecimiento podremos lograr los más ambiciosos objetivos de no solo  vivir más tiempo sino vivirlo libre de enfermedades y problemas relacionados con la edad.

Terapia con células madres a la cabeza de la medicina Regenerativa

Durante los últimos años se han desarrollado múltiples teorías acerca de las causas que aceleran el envejecimiento y sus consecuencias, entre estos los más destacados son: radicales libres, daños al ADN, inflamación crónica, degeneración neurológica, desbalances hormonales, susceptibilidad genética para ciertos tipos de cáncer, etc. Todas estas teorías del proceso de envejecimiento concuerdan en que nuestro cuerpo pierde la capacidad biológica de auto-reparación y defensa.
La mayoría de los procesos biológicos asociados al proceso de envejecimiento están íntimamente ligados a la capacidad del cuerpo de generar sus propias células madres y utilizarlas en su auto-reparación. Cuando se desarrolla el ser humano, son las células madres embrionarias las que se encargan de generar y regenerar órganos y tejidos de una manera integral. Una vez nacemos son células madres adultas las encargadas de mantener, regenerar y reparar los diferentes tejidos por lo cual estas células madres adultas son  constantemente producidas para este fin. A medida que envejecemos esta capacidad de nuestro cuerpo va perdiendo funcionabilidad y empezamos a ver cambios en diferentes órganos como la piel, capacidad sexual, sistema de defensa, músculos y otros órganos.

Por lo tanto, el mantener un óptimo estado de salud, es un balance entre el envejecimiento y muerte celular versus la capacidad regenerativa y de reparación de nuestros tejidos a través de nuestras propias células madres adultas.
Basados en la teoría del balance entre daño y reparación celular, los científicos a inicios del año 2000 han desarrollado diversas técnicas para activar  células madres de nuestro propio organismo, a través de su adecuada extracción, activación y reinfusión en nuestro cuerpo para de esa forma activar la capacidad que estas tienen de regeneración.
 A través de este tipo de terapia se le ofrece a nuestro organismo la posibilidad de autorepararse y enlentecer el proceso de envejecimiento celular,  se mejora la respuesta del sistema inmunológico retardando procesos que tarde o temprano causarán enfermedad.
El tratamiento con células madres, no es la cura de las enfermedades pero si un mecanismo de reparación, regeneración y rejuvenecimiento  que ocurre a diversos niveles en nuestro cuerpo, y lo cual nos da la posibilidad de mejor calidad de vida.